Second Generation
Francis Dean O'Kelley
and ? Dean |
2. Thomas Dean O'Kelley1,2,3,4
Kelley, or O'Kelly) was born between 1748 and 1754
and because of Benjamin's Revolutionary War Pension Application says
Benjamin was born in King and Queen Country Virginia many assumed
they were brothers and Thomas was also born in King and Queen County
but the DNA of two descendents of Thomas and one descendent of
Benjamin proves they were perhaps 6th to 8th cousins meaning that
Thomas could have been born anywhere . DNA suggest that the
grandfather that Thomas and Benjamin shared was born about 1650
causing me to wonder if Thomas Charles and Benjamin might have
descended from
Thomas and Honora
Kelly born about 1669 who came to America with 5 minor children
in 1690 and settled on the Huguenot
John Pleasants plantation located in Henrico Co Virginia along
the James River which was very near Manakin Va a place that became a
huge Huguenot settlement. Several of the sons of Thomas
married women with Huguenot ancestors that lived near Manakin VA.
DNA suggest that Thomas was perhaps a1st or 2nd cousin to Charles
and Francis and because Elizabeth Dean was the mother of Charles and
Francis, if Thomas used Dean as his middle name then it is likely
his mother was also a Dean, probably a relations of Elizabeth Dean.
Because Thomas named his first born son Francis Dean O'Kelley, that
suggest that Thomas's father may have been named Frances Dean
O'Kelley. Because Thomas didn't name any daughters "Elizabeth
Dean O'Kelley" I think that is good evidence that Elizabeth Dean was
not the mother of Thomas.
Thomas died on 18 July 1818 in Madison Co, GA and is believed to be
buried along with his wife in an unmarked grave in the
Collins Family Cemetery in Madison Co GA.
He signed a will with a mark on 18 July 1818 in Madison county
Georgia and he appears as OKelly in will. It is assumed that a mark
means a person could not read and write but that may not be the a
valid assumption as according to Harold B Gill
Literacy in Virginia it wasn't uncommon for rural children to be
taught to read but not taught to write, they are two independent
skills so it is possible that Thomas knew how to read but didn't
know how to write. It also wasn't uncommon for a will to be signed
with a witnessed mark because the person was just too feeble to sign
their name so it is possible that Thomas knew how to both read and
write and was too feeble to sign.
Thomas served during the American Revolutionary War in the
10th NC Reg. |
He appears as
Thos. OKelly in the
1800 Oglethorpe US Census. It seems he may have lived a great many
years in Granville Co NC and he could be the Thomas Killey
that appears on the
1771 militia roster in that county. There has been a belief
that because he married in his 30s that Thomas may have
had a previous wife who died. I think Thomas
and Elizabeth Wyers might have common lawed married about 1779 as Francis and appears in
several US Census as born in 1779 and after the Revolution they obtained
a marriage license. In the time
Thomas lived, the naming of the children were very important and a custom
most often followed. The best way to remember and honor an ancestor was to
name a child after that ancestor. When as ancestor was famous as was
Rev James O'Kelly it wasn't uncommon for sons, grandsons, and nephews to be
named after such an ancestor and ministers like Rev James were the Rock
Stars of Thomas's generation. So who did Thomas name his first born
son after? If Thomas was the eldest son as Macon claimed then
tradition dictates that Thomas name his first born son after his father yet
Francis was the name given to the first son, or is he the first born son?
To my knowledge the sole source for the names of the offspring of Thomas and
Elizabeth is an 1818 will. Wills do not contain the names of deceased
person so it is very possible Francis had an older brother who was named
after his paternal grandfather. Because the name of John appears to be very important in this family, i
suspect that Thomas may have had an elder son who could have married, had children and
died before John P their last son was born. I have no proof, but the
name John appears only in the family of Thomas and it appears
sometimes more than once per generation so it is a name of importance within
this family. A Thomas Kelly served in the
North Carolina First Reg during our Revolutionary War commanded by
Co Thomas Clark.
September 8, 1778 Muster Roll DAR
Ancestor #: A068095
Thomas sold his land and appears n Granville Co NC Deed book. Because
some of his children give Virginia as their birth place it is believed he
may have moved to Mecklenburg Co VA after the below sale:

Elizabeth Wyers mother was a Johnson so it is likely that John Johnson Jr
was an uncle or first cousin to Elizabeth Wyers. Thomas signed a will on 18 July 1818 in
Madison Co, GA.10,11
State of Georgia County of Madison In the name of God amen I Thomas
Okelly of the said state and county being very low in body but of good and
sound memory, do make constitute and ordain this to be my last will &
testament. Revoking and anulling every other will or wills testament or
testaments heretofour by me made. And my will is as follows (viz) first I
will my soul to God who gave it & my body to be deceantly buried __. And,
for the settling of my temporal Estate I will dispose of the same in the
form following (viz) first I will that all my just debts shall be paid, by
my Executors & Secondly I will that my dearly beloved wife Elizabeth shall
have all my lands houses household and kitchen furnature one black mare two
choice cows & calves one saw & seven shoats four barrows and the plantation
utensils during her life or widowhood & then the whole if she marries, to be
sold & equally divided between her & all the children & if she dies then the
whole to be sold & equally divided amongst my dear children named as follows
(viz) Francis Okelly . Ann . Polly . Thomas D. James . Sarah. William .
Nancy Reaney & John P Okelly to be equally divided mongst them their heirs &
assigns forever (thirdly) I will that one black calf one cow & calf one
heifer one shot gun two saws half the flock of sheap & one mans saddle all
to be sold after my death by my executor hereafter named and the money to be
equally divided amongst my wife and the above named children (fourthly I
will that my son John P. shall have the colt that the black mare is with
fold with at this time if she brings it above his equal share with the rest
of the children and lastly I do appoint my two sons Thomas D Okelly & James
Okelly to be the two whole & sole executors of this my last will & testament
to carry the same into effect In witness where of I have here unto set my
hand. & affixed my seal this eighteenth day of July in the year of our Lord
One thousand eight hundred & eighteen signed sealed published &
delivered in the presents of us to be his last will & testament his
Thos x Okelly mark /s/ Jas Garneth /s/ John Murry his /s/ Dean
/ Tucker mark
Thomas Kelley married Elizabeth Wyers 5 May 1785 in Granville NC.
Elizabeth Wyers was born about 1760 to 1765. She appeared
in the census in 1820 in Madison Co, GA.13
She appeared in the census in 1840 in Habersham Co, G.14
The 1820 Madison Co census lists her as OKelly and her son James as
OKelley. The
1830 Habersham Census puts her living with her son Rev John Pendleton and
family. A descendant of Thomas and Elizabeth believes she died about
1848, but may have return to Madison Co several years before her
death and she may be buried next to her husband in the
Collins Family Cemetery and not next to son John P who is
buried in White Co.
Elizabeth O'Kelly appears as a
War Widow Land Lottery winner in a
Georgia 1828
Land Lottery.
Harold O'Kelley, a descendant's webpage
Thomas O'Kelley and Elizabeth Wyers had the following children: |
+23 | i. |
Francis O'Kelley. likely named after
Francis Marion
the revolutionary war hero or his maternal grandfather
Francis Dean the brother of Thomas Dean. |
24 |
ii. |
Ann O'Kelley named after
maternal grandmother | +25 |
iii. |
Mary Frances "Polly" O'Kelley.
named after maternal grandmother |
+26 | iv. |
Thomas Dean O'Kelley. named
after his father |
+27 | v. |
Rev James O'Kelley. named after his paternal grandfather, James
O'Kelley. |
28 | vi. |
Sarah O'Kelley was born in 1793.1 |
+29 | vii. |
William O'Kelley. named after William
O'Kelley his paternal grandfather |
30 | viii. |
Nancy O'Kelley was born in 1797.1
named after paternal grandmother |
31 | ix. |
Reany O'Kelley1
was born in 1799. |
+32 | x. |
Rev John Pendleton O'Kelley. |
Simeon Stroud appears in the 1810
Mississippi US Census and his descendents are an exact
37/37 DNA Marker match with Samuel Joseph O'Kelley a
descendent of Columbus Pennington
O'Kelley indicating that Simeon Stroud is likely a
previously unknown son, grandson, or nephew of Thomas D O'Kelley.
Appearing on the
1752 Lunenburg Co Tithe Census
is a William Waire and a William Harwell and Harwell is also a name that
appears decades earlier in Prince George Co. William Waire might
be the father of Elizabeth Wyers who married Thomas O'Kelley in
Granville NC and Thomas and Elizabeth Wyers son, Rev James the son
of Thomas married Franky (Frances) Harwell and Charles's daughter Betsy Dean married a
Mark Harwell, William Harwell may have been their grandfather. |