Second Generation

George O'Kelley born about 1752

To my knowledge no one has found records for George.  J Fred O'Kelly, Alethea Jane Macon, and Harold O'Kelley in their books make the claim that George was the second born son of Elizabeth Dean and her husband and J Fred O'Kelly claims he was born about 1752.  If this is true then who was George named after?  There were naming customs that we see followed right up to modern times.  The first born son was named after his paternal grandfather, the second after his maternal grandfather, and the third after his father but sometimes these orders are not followed.  In the traditional pedigree Thomas is the first born, George the second and William the third and since Thomas is most often Thomas Dean O'Kelley it seems certain that Thomas Deane was the name of Elizabeth Deanes' father so that would indicate that George was named after his grandfather O'Kelley.  Documents and the naming of the first American born grandson makes it certain that George's father was named William and not Thomas.

Early in my research I believed that George must have been named after George Washington but Washington wasn't famous, he may not have even been living in America at the time George was born so it seems likely that he was named as was the custom, he was named for his Irish grandfather George Kelly.  This could be a lucky break if it was true as George was not a common given name in use in Ireland at the time our ancestor came to America or about 1750.  This reduces the possibilities if William Kelley's father was George Kelly.

In his book Harold O'Kelley tells his readers about a land document found in Franklin Co GA that records George W O'Kelley and his wife Sarah and he speculates that this may be George, the brother of Thomas, Charles, Benjamin, and Francis.  I suspect that land record must be Rev George Washington O'Kelley the second born son of Charles as Rev George Washington was born in Mecklenburg in 1783 and as a young man he moved to Franklin Co GA where he married a Sarah "Sally" Poole.  Rev George Washington O'Kelley appears in a Baptist Church history book as one of the first Baptist ministers in that area of Georgia and he had a son that he named George Wellborn O'Kelley or G W as he sometimes appears.  Some of Rev George Washington O'Kelley children are given as born in Banks Co GA but at the time of their birth Banks County did not exist, it was formed much later and some of it came from Franklin Co GA so I am certain that George, the brother of Charles has been confused with the second son of Charles and Mary, Rev George Washington O'Kelley and this seems supported by Harold O'Kelley's book where he mentioned how long lived George W appeared to have been and that would be true if George W O'Kelley in Franklin County had been born in 1752 but since he was likely Rev George Washington O'Kelley he lived an average age for that time. 

George O'Kelley and Milly were married.

Milly was born in 1764 in NC. She died in 1850.

George O'Kelley and Milly had the following children:



Hannah O'Kelley.